Raspberry Pi 4B: Natively Built 64 Bit Fully Preemptible Kernel (Real-Time) Gets Overridden
Raspberry Pi 4B LinuxCNC: Wiring the Mesa 7I96S Ethernet Motion Control, Closed-Loop CL57T Stepper Driver, and Nema 23 Stepper Motor
Raspberry Pi 4B LinuxCNC: Initial Setup for the Mesa 7I96S Ethernet Motion Control
Raspberry Pi 4B: LinuxCNC Max Jitter or Latency Test
Python FastAPI: Bug Fixing the Logout Process and Redis Session Cleanup
Python UI: The Qt Designer Application and the PyQt6 UI Library
The Python urllib3 HTTP Library and SSL/HTTPS for localhost
Gitk: A “git log” GUI Utility
Python FastAPI: Finishing Off the Pending Items, Code Cleanup, and Improvements
Python FastAPI: OAuth2 Scopes Part 03 - New CRUD Endpoints and User-Assigned Scopes
Raspberry Pi 4B: Natively Build a 64 Bit Fully Preemptible Kernel (Real-Time) with Desktop
Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS (Noble Numbat): Sharing Directories Across the LAN
Python FastAPI: OAuth2 Scopes Part 02 - UI Elements and User-Assigned Scopes
Python FastAPI: Implementing OAuth2 Scopes Part 01
Python FastAPI: Implementing JSON Web Token
Python FastAPI: Fixing a Bug in the Authentication Process
Python FastAPI: Enabling Database Support
Python & MariaDB: Which Driver? An Example of Executing a Stored Procedure That Returns Multiple Result Sets
Python FastAPI: Implementing SSL/HTTPS and CORS
Python Plugin: Entry Points
How to Enable the Installation of Optional Packages
Python FastAPI: Implementing Non-Blocking Logging with Built-In QueueHandler and QueueListener Classes
Installing Python 3.12.4 as an Additional Interpreter on Ubuntu 22.10 and Windows 10
Google Cloud Translation API: Local Development Environment Quick Start - Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22.10
Microsoft Azure AI: Quick Steps to Get Started with the Text to Speech API
Python FastAPI: Complete Authentication Flow with OAuth2 Security
Google AI Gemini API: A Complete Example of a Python Flask ChatBot
Using the YouTube Data API v3 with API Keys and OAuth 2.0
Python FastAPI: Implementing Persistent Stateful HTTP Sessions with Redis Session Middleware and Extending OAuth2PasswordBearer for OAuth2 Security
Python FastAPI: Integrating OAuth2 Security with the Application's Own Authentication Process
Python FastAPI: Some Further Studies on OAuth2 Security
Python: A SQLAlchemy Wrapper Component That Works With Both Flask and FastAPI Frameworks
Rust: Actix-web -- Async Functions as Middlewares
Rust: Actix-web Daily Logging -- Fix Local Offset, Apply Event Filtering
Rust: Actix-web and Daily Logging
Rust: actix-web JSON Web Token authentication.
Rust: actix-web global extractor error handlers.
Rust: actix-web CORS, Cookies and AJAX calls.
Rust: actix-web get SSL/HTTPS for localhost.
Rust: simple actix-web email-password login and request authentication using middleware.
Rust: actix-web endpoints which accept both application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json content types.
Rust: adding actix-session and actix-identity to an existing actix-web application.
Rust: retrofit integration tests to an existing actix-web application.
Using the Redis Official Docker Image on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22.10 kinetic.
Rust: learning actix-web middleware 01.
Rust: JSON Web Token -- some investigative studies on crate jsonwebtoken.
Rust: JSON Web Token -- some investigative studies on crate jwt-simple.
Rust: seconds since epoch -- “1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC”.
Rust web application: MySQL server, sqlx, actix-web and tera.
Rust SQLx CLI: database migration with MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Rust & MySQL: JSON serialisation of result sets retrieved using crate sqlx.
Docker on Ubuntu 22.10: running mysql:8.0.34-debian with custom config, socket, database and log files reside on host machine.
Rust & MySQL: executing MySQL stored procedures which return multiple result sets using crate sqlx.
Rust & MySQL: delete, insert data using crate sqlx.
Rust & MySQL: connect, execute SQL statements and stored procs using crate sqlx.
Rust: baby step -- some preliminary look at date.
Rust: baby step -- using our own Error trait in Result enum.
Rust: baby step -- a trait function which returns values of different data types.
Rust: baby step -- Unicode with Vietnamese text.
Rust: baby step -- a Fibonacci sequence function.
Synology DS218: sudo password and unsupported Docker problems update...
Python, Flask: deployment and Railway's Nixpacks Docker image build tool.
CI/CD #06. Jenkins: accessing private GitHub repos using SSH keys.
CI/CD #05. Jenkins: trigger a Pipeline via Git webhook.
Sending emails via Gmail account using the Python module smtplib.
CI/CD #04. Jenkins: trigger a Freestyle project via Git webhook.
jQuery plugin: bhAustPostcode to work with the search Australian postcodes web API.
Ubuntu Bootable USB stick: The “elusive” 😂 “Try or Install Ubuntu” option...
Ubuntu 22.10: hosting a Python Flask web API with Gunicorn and Nginx.
Python: A simple web API to search for Australian postcodes based on locality aka suburb.
Python: Flask “400 Bad Request: The CSRF session token is missing.”
Python: WTForms 3.0.1 customising built-in error messages.
Pure CSS: Vertical ScrollBar Management.
JavaScript: preserving JSON data order on the client-side.
Python: WTForms 3.0.1 IntegerField and InputRequired do not accept 0 as valid!
GitHub Webhook: our own “server” in NodeJs to receive Webhook events over the internet.
Windows 10: multi-line Git Commit messages.
Python: local date time and UTC date time.
CI/CD #03. Jenkins: using Pipeline and proper Bash script to run Pytest.
CI/CD #02. Jenkins: basic email using your Gmail account.
CI/CD #01. Jenkins: manually clone a Python GitHub repo and run Pytest.
Python: class attributes, some behaviours we should be aware of.
Using PostgreSQL Official Docker image on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22.10 kinetic.
GitHub: are removed version-tagged files still available for downloading?
Python: SQLAlchemy -- user-defined query classes for scoped_session.query_property(query_cls=None).
Python: SQLAlchemy -- understanding sessions and associated queries.
Docker Compose: how to wait for the MySQL server container to be ready?
Python: a workaround for SQLAlchemy “Table 'sessions' is already defined” exception during tests.
Python: executing PostgreSQL stored functions which return multiple result sets.
pgloader Docker: migrating from Docker & localhost MySQL to localhost PostgreSQL.
Python: executing MySQL stored procedures which return multiple result sets.
JavaScript and CSS minification.
Web browsers: confirm leaving page when there is modified data.
Bootstrap 5.0 Buttons with Icon and Text
Docker on Windows 10: mysql:8.0.30-debian log files
2000s flashback: a web API service...
Python: the !r string format and the __repr__() and __str__() methods.
Python: Flask, dictionaries as JSON objects ready to be used by JavaScript.
Python: pytest accessing Flask session and request context variables.
Docker on Windows 10: running mysql:8.0.30-debian with a custom config file.
Python: pytest and Flask template context processor functions.
Python: Docker volumes -- where is my SQLite database file?
Python: Docker image build -- save to and load from *.tar files.
Python: Docker image build -- “the Werkzeug” problem 🤖!
Python: Docker image build -- install required packages via requirements.txt vs editable install.
Synology DS218: unsupported Docker installation and usage...
Python: interactive shell and shell_context_processor() decorator.
Python: Flask-RESTX and the Swagger UI automatic documentation.
Synology DS218: MariaDB 10 enabling remote connection.
Synology DS218: preparing Python 3.9 Beta compelete development environment.
GitHub: Enable Comments Using Comment Widget.
Python: Application ( Self ) Installation, Built Distribution and Test the Built Distribution.
( Python / ReportLab. ) How UTF-8 Gets Displayed by Browsers and PDF creation tools?
Python: UTF-8 Encoding \x99\x99 and \u9999...?
Python: ReportLab -- a Master Detail Report.
Python: Pretty Print pprint.pprint( ... )
GMail API: send emails with NodeJs.
GMail API: quick start with Python and NodeJs.
jQuery plugin: bhDropdownSelect.
Ubuntu: Changing MySQL Default Data Directory.
Bootstrap 5.0 Draggable Dialogs Without jQuery UI.
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