I have been updating the DSM without running sudo or docker. I have just tried both recently, both failed. I’m describing how I’ve managed to fix these two problems.

Synology DS218: sudo password and unsupported Docker problems update…

❶ The problem with sudo not accepting admin password.

Since July, 2022, I’ve applied DSM updates as they came out. But I’ve not been running command lines on it. Recently, during this July, 2023, I sshed into it using the normal admin password, this works as before, but once in the shell, sudo refused to accept the admin password.

This seems to be a recurring problem. Suggestions to fix are very different, and some are very complicated. I did try some simple ones, none worked for me.

Since my DSM was already outdated, and DSM 7.2-64570 Update 1 was available, I applied that: and sudo just works once again.

– I am not sure when it will break!

❷ Problem with the unsupported Docker installation.

We’ve previously covered installing Docker for unsupported AArch64 processors in Synology DS218: unsupported Docker installation and usage…

Now having sudo working, I started Docker daemon with:

$ sudo dockerd &

The command line responded with command not found error. I could not find anything related to Docker under /usr/bin/, but other Docker files that I am aware of seem to be still in place. It would seem that updating the DSM has cleaned out Docker executable files. This is my assumption – only. I’m keeping this in mind to verify at the next DSM update.

I just downloaded the latest version, which is docker-24.0.4.tgz, and carry the out installation steps in the above mentioned post: Docker works again, including the Portainer, and previous existing volumes.

Thank you for reading. And stay safe as always.


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