Rust & MySQL: delete, insert data using crate sqlx.
We’ll look at: how to delete data from and insert data into MySQL tables using crate sqlx.
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Rust & MySQL: delete, insert data using crate sqlx. |
This post is a continuation of Rust & MySQL: connect, execute SQL statements and stored procs using crate sqlx. We’ll use the same Oracle Corporation MySQL test data database. We’ll also use the employees
table. To recap, its structure is:
CREATE TABLE `employees` (
`emp_no` int NOT NULL,
`birth_date` date NOT NULL,
`first_name` varchar(14) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`last_name` varchar(16) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`gender` enum('M','F') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`hire_date` date NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
And also the stored procedure:
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `get_employees`( pmLastName varchar(16), pmFirstName varchar(14) )
select * from employees e where (e.last_name like pmLastName)
and (e.first_name like pmFirstName) order by e.emp_no;
Please note: the example code has been tested on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22.10.
The followings are the references used to develop the code for this post:
- Module sqlx::query
- Struct sqlx::query::Query
- Inserting a struct into an sqlite db using sqlx and rust
is also identical to the one used in the previous quoted post. Its dependencies
section is as follow:
async-std = "1.12.0"
sqlx = {version = "0.7", default-features = false, features = ["runtime-async-std", "macros", "mysql", "time"]}
time = {version = "0.3.22", default-features = false, features = ["formatting", "macros"]}
The example code is simple. We delete the employee whose number is 600000
from the database. If the deletion was successful, we would insert a new employee whose number is 600000
. Finally, if the addition was successful, we would retrieve the just inserted employee by calling the stored procedure get_employees(...)
, with partial last name and partial first name of the just inserted employee.
The complete working example is presented below.
Content of src/
use sqlx::{FromRow, Pool, MySql, Row, Error, MySqlPool};
use sqlx::types::time::Date;
use time::macros::{date, format_description};
use async_std::task;
#[derive(FromRow, Debug)]
pub struct Employee {
pub emp_no: i32,
pub birth_date: Date,
pub first_name: String,
pub last_name: String,
pub gender: String,
pub hire_date: Date,
const TEST_EMP_NO: i32 = 600000; // Last emp_no in database is 500113.
async fn connect() -> Result<Pool<MySql>, Error> {
return MySqlPool::connect("mysql://root:pcb.2176310315865259@localhost:3306/employees").await;
async fn do_delete(pool: &sqlx::Pool<MySql>, emp_no: i32) -> bool {
let result = sqlx::query("delete from employees where emp_no = ?")
match result {
Err(e) => {
println!("Error deleting employee: {}\n", e.to_string());
return false;
Ok(res) => {
println!("Employee number: {} has been deleted.", emp_no);
println!("Number of Employees deleted: {}", res.rows_affected());
async fn do_insert(pool: &sqlx::Pool<MySql>, emp: &Employee) -> bool {
let result = sqlx::query(
"insert into employees (
values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
match result {
Err(e) => {
println!("Error inserting employee: {:#?}", emp);
println!("Error message: [{}].\n", e.to_string());
return false;
Ok(res) => {
println!("Employee has been inserted.");
println!("Number of employees inserted: {}", res.rows_affected());
async fn do_query(pool: &sqlx::Pool<MySql>, last_name: &str, first_name: &str) {
let result = sqlx::query("call get_employees(?, ?)")
.map(|row: sqlx::mysql::MySqlRow| {
Employee {
emp_no: row.get(0),
birth_date: row.get(1),
first_name: row.get(2),
last_name: row.get(3),
gender: row.get(4),
hire_date: row.get(5)
match result {
Err(e) => {
println!("Error select employee with last name: {}, first name: {}", last_name, first_name);
println!("Error message: [{}].\n", e.to_string());
Ok(query_result) => {
println!("Number of Employees selected: {}", query_result.len());
let format = format_description!("[day]/[month]/[year]");
for (rindex, employee) in query_result.iter().enumerate() {
println!("{}. No.: {}, Birth Date: {}, First Name: {}, Last Name: {}, Gender: {}, Hire Date: {}",
async fn do_delete_insert_data() {
let result: Result<sqlx::Pool<sqlx::MySql>, sqlx::Error> = task::block_on(connect());
match result {
Err(err) => {
println!("Cannot connect to database [{}]", err.to_string());
Ok(pool) => {
if !task::block_on(do_delete(&pool, TEST_EMP_NO)) {
panic!("Failed to delete test employee.");
if !task::block_on(do_insert(&pool, &Employee {
emp_no: TEST_EMP_NO,
birth_date: date!(1999-11-24),
first_name: String::from("Bé Hai"),
last_name: String::from("Nguyễn"),
gender: String::from("M"),
hire_date: date!(2022-04-29)
})) {
panic!("Failed to insert test employee.");
task::block_on(do_query(&pool, "%uyễn", "%é H%"));
fn main() {
Some of the code should be familiar, based on the last mentioned post above. We’ll go over the new code.
- Method
do_delete(pool: &sqlx::Pool<MySql>, emp_no: i32) -> bool
is where test record deletion takes place. We call sqlx::query with a parameteriseddelete
SQL statement, this call returns struct sqlx::query::Query. We then call its bind(...) method to pass the value ofdo_delete(...)
's parameteremp_no
to SQL statement parameter. We then chained-call to the execute(...) method to run thedelete
SQL statement. If the deletion fails, we returnfalse
. - Method
do_insert(pool: &sqlx::Pool<MySql>, emp: &Employee) -> bool
is where test record insertion takes place. Its internal working is pretty much identical todo_delete(...)
. - Method
do_query(pool: &sqlx::Pool<MySql>, last_name: &str, first_name: &str)
is a just a refactored version of the last example in the above mentioned post. - Method
should be self-explanatory.
I write this example code for my own understanding, and this post so that I will have something to go back to if I forgot how to do this 😂. It has been easier than the last one. I do hope it’s useful for somebody. Thank you for reading and stay safe as always.
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